Free College Resources

Brent Dalling, Justin Nelson
Published: December 21, 2023
Updated on 02/09/2024 to added leanpub book publishers as a free educational resource by Brent Dalling.
Updated on 04/18/2024 to added as a free educational resource by Brent Dalling.

Note: This series of free resources will be continually updated. You can also comment below to request materials be added. Thanks!

Please note that I am not providing links to pirated or grey market material. It is unethical to use those resources and I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the free and open-source material provided by the resources below. Much of the content has been developed by well respected educational institutions and made available for the general public.

Textbook providers

Course Providers

Other Resources

Brent Dalling

author photographer admin senior staff

I'm a senior software engineer with 8 years of professional experience. I've devoted much of my personal time to developing my software engineering skills and have worked on a variety of projects. I'm passionate about software engineering and related STEM topics. When I'm not working, I enjoy photography, hiking, and spending time with my family. I'm also an avid reader and enjoy learning new things.

Justin Nelson

author photographer contributor junior staff

Justin is a technical content write and educated photographer.

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